Monday, June 2, 2008

Same ole' story...

What can I say... it seems like its the same story over and over... too busy and always trying to find time to train. Well, maybe not exactly the same story. I did a little work in the yard over the Memorial Day weekend... Trevor and I had a brick workout planned for Monday that I was really looking forward too. Except when I woke up Monday morning with a massive headache and an upset stomach... I realized I might have a touch of sun poisoning, at least that is the only thing I can figure.

So, my long weekend of training went by the way side... I was able to run the Olympic course with him on Thursday... and we planned another 25 mile bike and 6 mile run on the Olympic course for Sunday morning. Well... woke up Sunday and guess what... didn't get off the couch until 6:00pm. Another quality training day out the window. I can't afford to be missing these.

That is all the complaining I will do for now... I will have an update on more upbeat stuff later.

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