Thursday, May 1, 2008

Thrusday 5.1.2008

Lots of things happening... I don't think I have been this excited about the triathlon thing... ever! There are lots of reasons behind it. I am sure it's things like Spring and training, which can be enjoyable after its over. There are several other things that have happened already this yead that makes things more exciting and enjoyable already. We had the article in the OpenAir magazine... today we were interviewed by NBC 25 news, I have been contacted by both Tuscola and Lapeer county newspapers. We have team jerseys on order... shirts... banners... business cards... on order, and all sorts of ideas.

But something struck me today. All those things are great, but lets keep things in perscective. We are always one team member short... There will always be a void for the three of us. But during the interview today... I also realized that triathlon is what is now brining us three together. We were laughing, joking and planning together. Together is the important part. I am excited to spend Sunday mornings with my brothers getting ready to race. I am excited to see them finish... to talk about the big hill that sucked for everyone. Doing things that will make memories. Most of all I am excited that I can spend time with those guys. Everything else... well isn't really all that exciting when put in perspective.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay...knew you did this,but not what or why exactly. Way cool. Your logo looks a lot like my friends' logo for their business. When I first saw it, I couldn't figure out why it looked familiar. Check out their site.
Guess it's the racing thing.