Race morning was COLD and WINDY and just not all that pleasant. But we laughed almost the entire ride up there...and while we were waiting for the race to start. Come to think of it, when we weren't running... we were laughing. It was really cool to get to hang out with some of the people that I had just met in passing prior to that.
The race was much larger than I had pictured in my head... so the start was pretty packed. Cindy started close to the front. She was nervous, but ready... she really wanted to run. Trevor also took off from the start. Brandon and I got about a mile into the race and met up with Dave. The three of us cruised along pretty good until about 3.5 miles in. Brandon decided to take off... so Dave and I maintained a steady pace... actually going faster every mile that we went. It was a good race, uneventful... which is good. But it was fun.
Everyone there had a story... Cindy was there to rock. And she did, 3rd overall and 1st in her age group. I was the one overflowing with excitement for her. So proud of her... I didn't tell her, but I was nervous for her. I knew how badly she wanted to perform well. Boy did she ever. I think everyone in our group was happy with their performance. Trevor ran really well, and finished under his goal. Brandon ran about a 6:50 pace for the last mile. Dave and I ran the second half of the race 9 minutes faster than the first half. Jessica was debating on the 5k or the 8k, she did the 8k and ran really well. Josh, has only been running a week and ran the 8k. I would say a good performance by all.

Only after, do you start to think about what you have just done and more importantly, WHO you did it with.. It's funny how you can start off the day with people that you have only met once or twice before... spend an hour sweating and come out of it with a friendship. I guess with some people you just feel like you are on the same page with.
You really can't explain the atmosphere at a race... there was an old man running, he had to be 70 - 75 years old. He was running the race with a small American flag in his teeth. The entire race, with a flag in his mouth. Our group celebrated his finish... we were clapping and yelling for this guy. He walked directly to Cindy, pulled out a red, white and blue handmade bracelet and gave it to her. He could barely breath... and whispered to her "these colors don't run". I thought she was going to cry. Its about people at these events.
For us... we have been fortunate enough to be reminded of that here and there. We all raced well, but we all supported each other better than we raced, even Cindy. It usually takes me a day or so to realize what just happened. I ran with my brothers... on the weekend of Chase's birthday. It wasn't a sad day at all. I miss Chase... but the people that "get it"... I feel a connection with too and it all helps. I feel lucky to have that experience again this weekend... some of the usual people were there and some new ones.
Happy Birthday Chase.